May 21, 2014

Pregnancy Foods to Avoid Cheat Sheet 2The list of foods to avoid for a pregnant lady seems to keep growing. It’s hard enough keeping track of what you can and cannot eat as it is. Add “pregnancy brain” to that, and it becomes even harder! When I was pregnant, I was constantly looking up which cheeses were okay, which fishes were more mercury-laden, and how many mg of caffeine were in the average cup of caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee/latte or black/green tea, depending on what I was eyeing at the moment.

That got old, fast.

I didn’t have a smart phone during my first pregnancy, so that made it extra annoying when I was new to this foods-to-avoid business. I created this handy “cheat sheet” that was sized to print double-sided, fold up, and fit into my wallet. Anytime I needed to quickly check if something was acceptable, I pulled it out for reference. I think any first-time expecting mom would appreciate something like this!

Of course I highly encourage you to do your own research on this and check all of the facts first. I made this in 2012, and I’m guessing some recommendations have changed since then. Plus, I know some people are more strict/careful with what they consume, and others are more flexible with their pregnancy diet. I’m not saying this “cheat sheet” is what you should abide by– I’m just sharing with you what I used. So, again, I urge you to do your own research, check your facts, and customize it to fit what works for you!

Pregnancy Foods to Avoid Cheat Sheet

The sheet is made to be printed double-sided to make two separate cheat sheets (one for your wallet, one for a friend…). Simple instructions:

  1. Open this document and make changes as you see fit. Try to keep the cell sizes about the same (ideally 2.125″ x 3.38″, though mine is a little bigger).
  2. Once it’s printed, take the printout, flip it over, and print the same thing onto the other side, to make it double-sided.
  3. Cut along the dotted lines around the outside edges. Then cut lengthwise down the dotted line in the middle. Do not cut on the solid lines.
  4. Now you have TWO cheat sheets! Give your extra one to a friend, or put it in the glove compartment of your car! :).

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