September 30, 2014

Hello Dear Readers!

Three things!

1) Ack! I spent a long time working on my latest post about reading, scheduled it to post, and then… my website went down for several hours. :(. Just wanted to let you know that it’s back up, and the post is ready for you!!

2) You can now follow me on Facebook or Twitter or Pinterest!

3) And while we’re at it… I don’t know if this is allowed in blogger world, but I have burning questions for you!!! The main one is this: WHO ARE YOU? I’d LOVE it if you could take a moment to leave a comment and tell me something–ANYTHING– about yourself! Which country and/or state do you live in? What’s your blog/website URL? What do you do? Why do you read my blog (food? teacher? parent? you’re my friend?)?


53 responses to “Hi Readers! I Have Questions.”

  1. Anna Beckley says:

    I’m a stay-at-home mom of three little girls ages 4, 2, and 8 months in the Portland, OR area. I (like many people, I’d imagine) discovered your blog when several fb friends linked to your “better way to say sorry” post, which I loved and have implemented (to an age-appropriate extent :)) with my kids. I subscribed because I really liked your writing, and several people in my family are in education, so I enjoy your posts about teaching. In fact, my husband is a principal, and he read an excerpt from your “First Day of School” post to all of the parents on the first day of school this year. I keep a ‘family blog’ to keep our family and friends up to date on what our kids are up to, but I doubt it would be of much interest to people who don’t know us 🙂 thanks for your great posts, I always enjoy them!

    • joellen says:

      AWWWW!!! HE READ IT TO THE PARENTS? REALLY??? That is so cool! I would have never guessed. Thank you so much for sharing– it means a lot to me! Thank you also for subscribing and reading along on my blog :] Your little girls look so sweet– your whole family does! You guys got some mad pumpkin-carving skills :].

  2. Patrick says:

    I’m a parent to 2 girls, aged 7 and 9, and really enjoy your writing on education also. I’ve shared several posts with my sisters and others. My favorite so far is how to say you’re sorry, but I’ve really appreciated the math games as well. Thanks for writing, it’s been super useful!


    • joellen says:

      Hi Pat! Woohoo you liked the math games! They’re fun, right?? I liked playing them, too :). I teach it to elementary-aged children whenever I get a chance hehe. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Helena says:

    Hi, I am a homeschooling mom of two, and I follow your blog. Your post about the proper way to say “sorry” is what got me here. I am interested in the same things you are: education and food :). My husband is a high school German teacher and we live in the desert in AZ.

    • joellen says:

      Education and food 🙂 Nice! Hey, I took German in high school! Wie geht es Ihnen? 😉

  4. Khristey says:

    Hi! I’m a stay-at-home grandma of two boys (3 & 12 weeks), living with a stay-at-home daughter-in-law (+ my one & only son) who reads your blog & recommended it. We live on Dover AFB in Delaware & my daughter-in-law, who has several friends that home school, doing the same with our 3 y/o. As a grandma, I can appreciate how much things have advanced with technology, social networking, etc., since the so called “good ole days”, allowing us to be able to share information in all areas. I’m, shall I say, impressed with the level of educational tools that are available and am trying to “come up to speed”. I especially appreciate your writings & posts because I think they help with subjects? that can’t really be taught on a computer, or with any app, and I find them very enlightening, refreshing, & appropriate. Keep up the good work cause I definitely appreciate it!

    • joellen says:

      Woohoo! Thanks to your daughter-in-law for recommending my blog! 😀 And thank you for reading my blog and for your kind words of appreciation. I am so glad you find it helpful, and I hope to continue posting useful content :).

  5. Micki Palmer says:

    I’m a mom of 5 and I think I came across your blog on pinterest. I was a kindergarten teacher before I had my oldest child which was 15 1/2 years ago. I just started subbing last year at my children’s elementary school when my youngest started K. I mainly do it to help them out as it seems more time than not they have someone cancel at the last minute and so I’m available to help when they need it. I know almost all the kids so I really enjoy it. I have used a lot of your ideas as a sub (check yourself is great!). I am hoping to use some of your math games at home with my 1st grader for fun this next summer. Thanks for all that you share!

    • joellen says:

      I’m so glad you are enjoying your time subbing! And I’m delighted that you are getting useful ideas from my blog :).