September 30, 2014

Hello Dear Readers!

Three things!

1) Ack! I spent a long time working on my latest post about reading, scheduled it to post, and then… my website went down for several hours. :(. Just wanted to let you know that it’s back up, and the post is ready for you!!

2) You can now follow me on Facebook or Twitter or Pinterest!

3) And while we’re at it… I don’t know if this is allowed in blogger world, but I have burning questions for you!!! The main one is this: WHO ARE YOU? I’d LOVE it if you could take a moment to leave a comment and tell me something–ANYTHING– about yourself! Which country and/or state do you live in? What’s your blog/website URL? What do you do? Why do you read my blog (food? teacher? parent? you’re my friend?)?


53 responses to “Hi Readers! I Have Questions.”

  1. Lorna says:

    Hello! I love your blog! I’m a homeschooling mother of 5, from kindergarten to freshman in college (he’s at Virginia Tech). I read and re-read your educational and good-behavior encouraging posts (there must be a more succinct way to say that), and gently try to implement the ideas. They work so much better than flying by the seat of my pants, or just reacting when things start to unravel.
    I really enjoy the encouraging, upbeat tone of your blog, and the diversity of topics covered. The chocolate dipped shortbread was outrageously good! The gratitude post was very insightful, and with a bit more practice will assuredly deliver as promised. Oh, and I would have appreciated the bottle sterilizing post no end a few years ago.
    I think it’s great that you have so many international readers! I’m English originally, married an American in college, and now reside in delightfully rural Virginia.
    Keep up the good work!

    • joellen says:

      Hello Lorna! You read and re-read?! I AM SO FLATTERED! Thanks! I would love to hear wisdom you’ve gleaned from your experiences with five children! I’ll be you have stories to tell.
      I have to say, I was really pleased to see that diversity of the posts you enjoy. I generally assume some people are here for the food, others are here for parenting stuff, and yet others are still waiting for me to say something about marriage (it’s coming!). I am so glad to hear that you like more than one category =). I know a lot of blogs focus mostly on one thing, but I can’t help it– I guess I have lots of passions haha. Thank you for reading along, and for your encouragement!

  2. firefly says:

    I’m currently a SAHM in Australia, and I’m also a high school music teacher. I stumbled across your blog when a bunch of people on my FB Newsfeed posted the Better Way to Say Sorry article and subscribed so I wouldn’t miss any more of your posts on teaching, discipline and parenting. I’ll admit to deleting the food ones without reading them because time is short and I’m not a great cook! But I thoroughly enjoy your blog. I wish you’d been my teacher at school!

    • joellen says:

      Thanks, firefly! (Love the name :)). I’m so glad you enjoy those posts– I’ve put the most time and effort into those posts, for sure!

  3. Lenetta says:

    I’m a Nebraska farm wife with a 7yo daughter and an almost 2 yo son, and another little due in January. I put my blog in, but I haven’t posted in forever. (I totally followed the average 18 month life span for blogs. Ah well.) I am helping with 2nd grade CCD (religion class) at our parish, and I also have a deep seated desire to homeschool my kiddos so I’m here for the teaching/parenting stuff. I enjoy your perspective!

    • joellen says:

      Nebraska farm wife! That is SO COOL! I have always wanted to visit a real life farm out in the Midwest. Okay so I’ve never heard about this average life span for blogs– let’s hope I make it past that. Thanks for reading, and I hope you get to homeschool your kids someday!

  4. Diana says:

    Hi Joellen,
    I am your mom’s friend and have known you since you were an amazing little girl. Now I feel like I am learning from you and find that your advice will be very helpful for my grandchildren to be. I also love your recipes! Thank you so much!

    • joellen says:

      Hi Auntie Diana! Thanks for dropping a note, and for your kind words of encouragement! 🙂

  5. Dakota says:

    Well, I think you know that I live in Missoula, Montana, but if you didn’t, you do now! I read because I enjoy your tone, your topics, your drawings, you’re a lovely writer, and I feel like I really connect with you. I like that – a LOT. (And now I’m thinking of the “Alot” cartoon, which is hilarious in my opinion.)

    I also have two cats, my favorite color is blue, and my favorite book is Jane Eyre. But I end up reading a lot of sci/fi & fantasy to relax.

    • joellen says:

      Well, it must mean something that I smiled through your whole comment, starting with the part that said, “Dakota.” =] I love the Alot cartoon! 😀

      I dislike spiders, my favorite color is blue, and I enjoy playing sports :). But I end up baking a lot to relax haha.