July 29, 2014

8/1/2014 UPDATE: And the winner is… Charlama C.! (Winner selected by Random.org.) Congrats!
Click here if you still need a copy! 🙂

Thanks, all, for participating!


A week ago, one of my lovely blog readers reached out to me and asked me to read and review a book she had written on teaching kids how to understand and talk about their feelings. I liked it so much I offered to do a giveaway of the book on my blog! Just in case you were wondering, I was not paid to read the book, write the review, or host a giveaway.

Yell and Shout, Cry and Pout

I am pleased to share with you Yell and Shout, Cry and Pout: A Kid’s Guide to Feelings by Peggy Kruger Tietz. It is written in a simple, easy-to-read format with illustrations and stories for you to talk through with your child. As a parent and teacher, this is definitely a book I would want to read with children. It covers eight major emotions, offering short vignettes, examples, and simple discussion points that make for straightforward and effective lessons.

Yell and Shout, Cry and Pout

I think people learn best when they have an experience to connect their new learning to. Since each of the eight emotions is introduced with a short story demonstrating that emotion, it gives the reader something to connect to. The author seems very familiar with the types of situations children experience and writes in a way that would be easy for them to understand. The repeated format of each chapter keeps it straightforward and familiar for kids who are reading it, and there is ample opportunity for discussion between the adult and child. I imagine you would learn a lot of interesting things about your students/child if you read this together with them and took the time to talk about times they experienced these feelings!

As a teacher, I often found that my students had difficulty articulating not only how others might feel, but even what they themselves felt. Sometimes this led to them not telling me that they were upset about something until the problem had unraveled into something worse. I think it would be great if kids were equipped with the vocabulary, language, and tools to be more introspective. I believe that going through this book with your children will help them understand themselves and others better! 

Don’t teachers cover this in school?

We do. I think this is such an important topic, and one that could not only help patch up hurt feelings, but perhaps prevent them in the first place! In school, we had a specific curriculum to address social and emotional growth in our classroom, but I know I’m not the only teacher who was hard-pressed to find time for it. I also tried to weave character education into other subjects and use authentic situations in our school life to coach them in this area, but it never felt like enough.

Even if I were able to cover it all, the results would pale in comparison to the rich one-on-one conversations you could have with your own child about the different emotions they experience.

It’s a nice idea, but… I don’t have time

For those of you thinking, “Sounds nice, but I just don’t have time to read a book with my kids…” First of all, I hear ya. They already have a bunch of books and you already don’t have enough time. But take heart! This one is only 40 pages! And I mean “only” in the best way possible. Like you “only” have to invest a few minutes each day for a few days to cover invaluable material that will benefit your child in the years to come. This book is practical, realistic, and doable! Plus, I definitely think this counts as one of the important things.

I think Yell and Shout, Cry and Pout is a really great tool for any educator or parent hoping to equip their children with a better understanding of their feelings. It will serve as an effective diving board for rich conversation and will offer you meaningful opportunities to get to know your child better and help them develop healthy emotional awareness!

Giveaway time!

Now you can get a copy, too! Please use the Rafflecopter widget below to enter. Peggy will send a hard copy of the book to the winner! This giveaway is available to residents of the United States.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Afraid you won’t win the raffle? You can also find the book here on Amazon!

40 responses to “Yell and Shout, Cry and Pout: Book Review and Giveaway!”

  1. jenn says:

    Looks like an interesting book! And teaching kids about emotions is VERY important, for anyone who is caring for them, I would think parents would LOVE to “take the time” to cover such an important topic! We talk about emotions all the time at our house, I would certainly appreciate as useful a tool as this sounds like it is… So, how does a Canadian get their hands on this book…?

    • joellen says:

      That’s neat that you are already talking about this with your kids! Does Amazon ship to Canada? =)

  2. Marilyn says:

    Shoot, I think adults these days could use a book like this.

  3. Elyse says:

    Wow, that book sounds great! Even my usually-happy toddler has trouble finding words for when he’s upset, so this sounds like a valuable resource.

  4. Aileen says:

    I like the idea of reading this book together. What age group do you think this book would be right for–how young can I start with my kids? 🙂

  5. Barbara Blough says:

    I am retired, but continue to work as a volunteer with special needs children. This is EXACTLY the kind of mini-lesson mentor text I can use effectively with students as a basis for teaching discussions and follow-up “booster shots” in real life situations in which the children actually find themselves.