I have a confession to make.
I use box mix for brownies. It’s true.
Ghirardelli Triple Chocolate Brownie Mix
I’ve made a lottttt of batches of brownies from scratch, but once I gave Ghirardelli’s Triple Chocolate Brownie Mix a try, there was no turning back. It’s seriously delicious. One time I brought it to school, and Ms. M asked me for the recipe, because it was “the best brownie [she’d] ever had!” I felt a little guilty admitting it was a box mix, but any guilt disappeared once she reported back that she went and bought that Ghirardelli goodness right away and loved it! 🙂 Share the happy! Now I’m sharing with you!
The brownies are moist and chewy and chocolatey with that thin crackly layer on the top. There are big chunks of chocolate, and the edges are satisfyingly edgy, for you edge-lovers out there. They’re pretty much perfect, and at $10/6-pack from Costco… you can’t really ask for more from boxed goods…
Golden Coin Almond Jello Mix
…Unless if you’re making almond jello, in which case Golden Coin’s almond jello takes the
cake jello. Angela introduced it to me when we were roommates back in college, and it doesn’t get much easier than this: boil 4.5 cups water, stir in mix, chill. Of course I just realized now that it’s called “Almond Flavor Agar Mix.” While I am usually suspicious of anything with the word “flavor” in it, I’m gonna let this one pass. It’s too easy and yummy to reject. Serve the almond jello squares with canned fruit cocktail for a super easy peasy dessert! I got my box for $1.19 at Ranch 99 (or, 99 Ranch for you Socal-ers).
This next one is savory: House Foods Mabo Tofu Sauce. Just brown some ground pork, add sauce, stir in tofu, and serve over rice. Boom. Dinner is served! Sprinkle some chopped green onions on top if you’re feeling fancy.
It’s tasty, comfort foody, and super easy. Thanks for the rec, Helen!
Okay the last one I felt really bad about at first: microwave rice. I know, I know. I’m Asian, and I bought microwave rice. OMG.
Seeds of Change Quinoa and Brown Rice
BUT GUYS it’s brown rice and quinoa! So it’s not just nutritionally lame white rice– it’s actually good for you! (Right?) In my defense, I didn’t realize it was microwave rice until after I bought it, at which point I figured I’d never use it and stashed it away in the pantry. But thenn… there was this onnnne night where I was running late on dinner and needed a grain. I spied this in the pantry, and was so pressed for time I couldn’t be bothered about rice cookers and such so I threw this in the microwave for 90 seconds and voila! Steaming hot, tasty, perfectly cooked rice.
Ben liked it. I was sold. I bought more. While part of me still says srsly Jo you just paid how much for microwavable rice, another part of me says, “Look! I’m feeding my family QUINOA! And it was EASY!” (Sorry Sandley, I know you have a thing against us eating up all the quinoa. Noted.)
What about you? What are some of your favorite food cheats/boxed mixes?
I admit to buying that Ghiradelli box too. It’s amazing! 😉
Right?!?!? Mmm. Makes the house smell so good!
I like Betty Crocker cornbread/muffin mix. It is light and fluffy and yummy. I have tried many different cornbread recipes and I think I still like this mix best of all.
Noted!! Thanks for the rec!
The Ghiradelli Dark Chocolate brownie mix is also amazing! It’s hard to find in the stores though, so I usually go with the Triple Chocolate one from Costco.
Ooh haven’t seen it! Will keep my eye out for it!
Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Free Cornbread mix is awesome, as is Hodgson Mill Whole Wheat Gingerbread boxed mix – dense, dark, barely sweet.
Mmm sounds like a lot of good cornbread mixes out there! Will have to try em in the future! I’ve never made gingerbread– sounds like a winning combination, though.
Oohh, thanks for the NPR article! It’ll be interesting to see if US quinoa consumption will affect the region in the long run! But so far, it doesn’t look that bad =)
Hehe wasn’t sure if you’d see it, but I’m glad you can be a little less worried for now :).