Ben and I thought we’d hit upon a great idea when we decided to serve Earl Grey Panna Cotta in 2 oz. shot glasses. We had been enjoying milk pudding from Paris Baguette and when I decided to experiment with recipes on my own, Ben thought it’d be brilliant to serve it up in individual shot glasses. GREAT IDEA, right?? I even found these cute mini spoons
to serve it with.
Well apparently I have an awful memory, because turns out my friend Wendy has been serving panna cotta in shot glasses for a long time! I have a vague memory of this from years ago, but it’s so hazy that if she hadn’t mentioned it, I would not have remembered :(. Sorry to idea-steal, friend. Or, thank you for the idea-share? =P
I started with plain panna cotta, but I decided to jazz it up by steeping some earl grey in the cream, first. It looked nice, but plain, and I think dark chocolate compliments earl grey well, so I decided to layer that in. Finally, hubs decided the whole thing could do with a little crunchy texture, and I happened to have a package of milk chocolate toffee bits on hand, so I sprinkled some of those in and it was juuust right.
The recipe below may look daunting and long, but it’s seriously easy. If you just read through it, you’ll see that making panna cotta just involves heating up some cream and adding some gelatin. (I know, it’s no fun when I put it like that… but it’s also more approachable, right?)
I usually get annoyed when one of the “ingredients” for a recipe is actually an entirely new recipe (“one recipe homemade caramel” WHAT I have to make something before I can make something else?!), but I separated the recipes the way I did in case you wanted to try just Earl Grey panna cotta, or just chocolate panna cotta.
You can make these up to two days ahead of time, so this makes for a great party dessert. I think these treats are best served cool but closer to room temperature, so take it out of the fridge at least one hour before you plan to serve it.
Chocolate and Earl Grey Panna Cotta with Toffee Sprinkles
12 servings, or about 30 tall shot-glass sized servings
You can make these up to two days ahead and keep them well-covered and chilled.
Earl Grey Panna Cotta Recipe
adapted from David Lebovitz’s recipe
Chocolate Panna Cotta Recipe