How to Clean and Sanitize Your Medela Pump In Style Breast Pump
It’s important to keep your parts clean and sanitized to keep your baby happy and healthy. Here is a tutorial on how to do that quickly and effectively with just a few handy tools!
How to Store Your Breastmilk
Now that you’ve got this precious bottle of liquid gold in a bottle, be sure to store everything properly so that your baby has as much safe milk to drink as possible!
“I used to be a WM but now I’m a SAHM! BF is way easier than pumping bottles LOL. But now DS is no longer taking bottles, and I feel trapped in the house. DH and I had no problem with our first LO taking the bottle (but DD also SSTN at two months with no CIO!). Any tips on how I can get R to take my BM with a bottle? TIA!” – Ridiculous Person
Why. Just why.
But that’s how it is. I’m guessing the only acronym you got there was LOL (yes, it still stands for Laughing Out Loud), but the forums are littered with this kind of silly. I’m sure I will start using them, too. SIA (Sorry In Advance (made that one up myself!)). So here’s a quick key for the most commonly used acronyms specific to the parenting forums
How to Assemble Your Medela Pump In Style Advanced Breast Pump
We had our baby: AWESOME.
She was breastfeeding well: WONDERFUL.
I was waking up every 2-3 hours to feed her: EXHAUSTING.
I wanted to start pumping milk so my husband could help with feedings: REASONABLE.
But here’s the problem: I was so, so exhausted that the thought of reading that thick booklet and figuring out how to set everything up properly was overwhelming. It’s actually not too bad, but when you are as tired as most new parents are those first few weeks, it can really be daunting.