6/19/2015: Congrats to Terra, the winner of the Bug Zooka giveaway!
There’s a lot to love about summer, but here’s one thing I always used to dread about the season: SPIDERS. Silverfish. Bugs. Ewgh! However, several years ago, I decided to look for a solution to this annual problem, and I came across the most amazing product: The Bug Zooka! This thing is seriously wonderful. I even wrote a whole post praising its wonderfulness last year, and I still stand by every word of it. If you are squeamish about killing or catching bugs, or have a hard time reaching them when they’re up on the corners of your ceilings, then this is the device for you. Here is an excerpt from my previous post, including some of the reasons I love it:
I have been so empowered by this tool. Now, when I see a spider, I will catch it myself, even if Ben is home! I just get the Bug Zooka, suck it up, then leave it for Ben to deal with later. SO WONDERFUL.
I will also note that you should not attempt to wash your catch tube. We did, once, and it got all rusty. It doesn’t affect the effectiveness of the contraption, but dead bugs are gross enough as-is. No need to add the extra dinginess of rust to the scene. Also, take care not to leave it cocked, or else the spring will be weakened.
If this post doesn’t convince you to get it, then… you must not mind bugs too much. Good for you. Otherwise, buy this for yourself or gift it to a bug-fearing friend. They will think of you–fondly and with much affection– every time they use it. And you can think of me likewise. You’re welcome. You’re very, very welcome.
I like this product so much that I’ve decided it’s worth hosting a giveaway to share the bug-ridding empowerment with my readers! What better time than at the start of in-house bug season? The giveaway will run until Thursday midnight (6/18/15) but if you don’t win it, I honestly think it’s worth the $24 investment. (Not even lying, we just used it twice in the last five minutes as I’m writing this (at 9:10pm Monday night). One was a thick dark spider, and the other was a little silverfish. Ewgh. Whew!) Ours has lasted us for years now and shows no signs of slowing down! Enter daily to increase your chances of winning!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. I’m seriously a fan of the product, though, so whether you click through my links to purchase one or not, all the bug-fearing should check it out!
i would love the bug zapper!!
So glad that my hubby is the one who does the catching. I’ll only do it if he’s not home!
I’m the spider catcher, that is if I can catch it before one of my cats does.